Huntsville Bible College’s Strategic Plan consists of five major areas to be addressed: Financial Stability, Enrollment Management and Public Relation, Assessment and Planning, Facilities Development, and Staffing. Contained in this page is a summary of the five year plan for each area. A more detailed and extensive document is on file at the College.
Huntsville Bible College (HBC) is an institution of academic and spiritual excellence committed to training and educating men and women for the work of ministry and preparing students for life.
HBC’s mission is obtained as we seek to foster spiritual growth and development and provide educational opportunities for:
- Life/careers in job-related fields;
- Church leadership in Pastoral Ministry;
- Service for Christian ministers, mission and evangelism workers, and other ministries and organizations; and
- Leadership for Christian education teachers, youth workers, and church leaders for local congregations.
Our vision is that Huntsville Bible College will be a solid entity in the North Alabama Community. Our goal is to secure the future of the College as we build character, teach commitment, and develop competence in our graduates. Over the next five years, the following will be the primary focus of the College to help make our vision a reality:
- Building an Endowment
- Expanding Leadership
- Planning for Leadership Transition
- Increasing Enrollment
- Increasing Program Options
- Seeking Regional Accreditation (SACS CASI)
The goal is to strengthen the financial stability of the College. This will be accomplished by:
- Expanding the Number of Funding Sources
- Increasing Individual Donor Support
- Increasing Church Support
- Reducing Debt
- Establishing and Building an Endowment
The thrust of HBC for the next three years is to heighten recruitment and student retention, improve student outcome, and enhance public relations. This will be accomplished by:
- Increasing Student Degree Options
- Improving and Expanding Distance Education
- Providing Additional Scholarships
- Improving Personal Counseling
- Expanding the Learning Resource Center
- Improving Publicity and Marketing
- Establishing Additional Extension Centers
- Exploring Regional Accreditation with AdvancED (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement – SACS CASI)
HBC will continue to follow and enhance the current assessment plan, seek new methods to assess the learning process and student outcomes, and implement the recommendations of the 2016 assessment committee.
HBC assesses and seeks to improve its facilities on continuous bases. Plans are to:
- Improve Parking
- Seek Use of Syler Tabernacle for Additional Classes and Study Hall
- Expand Learning Resource Center
- Conduct In-depth Assessment for Long-Term Facility Needs
Qualified and competent staff is the goal of HBC. Therefore the need to assure that students are best served the College plans to:
- Increase and Conduct On-going Staff/Student Training for the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) CampusSIS Data Management System
- Fill Approved Vice-President for Development Position
- Evaluate Current Staffing and Training Needs
- Provide Training and Cross-Training for Employees
- Develop Plans for Leadership Transition
2015-2016 Acquired ABHE CampusSIS Data Management System
2016-2017 Improve Parking
2017-2018 Review Majors and Programs
2017-2018 Increase Library Holdings
2017-2018 Establish an Endowment
2018-2019 Improve Staffing
2019-2020 Plan for Leadership Transition