In conjunction with its mission and institutional goals, the educational programs provided by the College are designed to enable it’s students to:
- Communicate effectively in oral and written forms and comprehend complex ideas through reading and listening.
- Develop spiritual transformation exhibited through Christian character and commitment to the work of Christ to the glory of God.
- Develop skills for preparing and delivering life-changing sermons to contemporary audiences.
- Develop leadership skills in pastoral ministry, Bible teaching, and in other ministries of local churches.
- Acquire knowledge and develop an understanding necessary for engaging in Christian missions and evangelism through participation in the Ministry Formation Program while attending HBC.
Apply techniques of critical, logical, and analytical thinking to life’s issues.
- Develop a historical perspective of Christianity and the early church; acquire knowledge of the arts, literature, and human behavior, and how they impact the Christian faith.
- Develop comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the Bible and theology, and discover ways of applying them to life.
Use the tools of research to discover new information and to solve human problems.
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of curriculum development and teaching
techniques.- Develop social skills that exhibit love and respect for others irrespective of religious and cultural differences.
Acquire knowledge and develop understanding of the social and natural sciences.